BUT I WAS WRONGGGGGGGGGGGGGG...It was not India that hinder our country's development.But rather it were the Nepalese political leaders that have made so.Our country is 200 years backward than any other developed country.But still,these political leaders are taking our country to darkness.The main reason for this is that the people in our country are not concern for their motherland.They have no feeling of saving and developing their country.Whenever any problem comes in our country,they think that the government must solve this rather than thinking that it is their responsibility to solve the problem.Until and unless this concept remains in the mind of Nepalese people,our country can never come in light of development.
People usually tell that a child born in Nepal is anti Indian.But they are wrong.A child born in Nepal is anti Nepali rather than anti Indian.The reason is that from the beginning of their life they are taught the Indians are plague to our country.So,the same concept develops in them.And finally they will be habitual to this system and phenomenon.So,our county can never progress.The fact is that India and china are our neighboring country.Whatever disturbances come in these two countries ,it will automatically be shifted towards our country.So,the best way is to take advantage from these two country's.China's economy is increasing by two digit number and ours economy is increasing in order of decimal.We have to learn a lesson from the citizen of our neighboring country's regarding countrymen ship.The people over there are so devoted that they think what they can give to the country rather than thinking what country can give to them.
So,Nepalese people must not blame political leaders for the present of Nepal.They must rather curse themselves.When the government is doing something wrong,people have right to go against it.But people in our country does nothing except shouting that this is Nepal and nothing will happen in this country.Their is famous saying that "don't tell anything unless you have ability to do that things".So,don't blame others but rather try to give your effort to develop our country.Our country can be developed within decade if all the people are devoted to it.Thus,finally I would tell that India is not problem to our country but a real helper.For example:Asian and European don't have oil factories.But Americans and Arabian have plenty.So,if we need oil supply than we have to buy from foreign market.So,oil would be very expensive if our country buy directly from international market.It would cost around 300 per liter.But due to help of India we are getting oils in very cheap price.So,Nepalese people stop shouting and blaming others;try developing feeling of motherhood in yourself.Try to pay debt to your country by contributing in its development.
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