The test taken to judge a student after a semester or yearly based system is known as examination.Usually,examination are conducted to promote a student from one level to another level.But to judge a student on basis of examination within 2 to 3 hours is totally unfair.So,in my opinion formal examination is not a real test for a student.
When a child is born in this world,his mind is empty.He steps in this world with bare foot and just a brain to make himself suitable for the up coming days.He slowly learn few words from his parents and then goes to his second parents or school for learning more things.He grabs many things from the school premises but whatever he learns he can not produce that information in single three hours test.So,when he fails in this examination he is severely castigated by his teachers and also parents.The child is totally demoralized and he no longer is able to learn more things.So,formal examination is not good to judge a student.
Likewise,in an examination,some student consider luck as an important criteria.The marks a student obtains in an exam is due to his effort of writing in exam but along with his efforts comes teachers mood.If teacher is in fresh mood he corrects the paper with flexibility but if the teacher is in not good mood then the student has to bear a crisis of marks.Similarly,in developed countries exam system is slowly demolishing and new system is been applied for testing students ability.The teacher checks the student through out the semester and gives grade on basis of that.So,this is the best thing for a student to be tested.
However,some of the people might thing that students should be judged by formal education as it is the culture we have been from generation to generation.But to those people there is only one thing to say that why don't they live in stone age as that was the culture of our ancestors.Why they are living in this modern world?So,it is obvious that with passage of time the system must be changed.Previously,formal examination was the basis of student judgment but now it must be modified so that student life is fully benefited.
So,finally i would like to consider the fact that final examination should not be the real test for a student.Rather than that teacher must look student performance through out the semester and judge him.This would be the best thing for every student studying now.There would be no frustration for student and suicides rate will also decrease.Like wise,students creative power as well as his imagination would flourish and student might give his full effort to gift this present world.Thus,real exam for a student is there performance through out the year.One day exam can not judge student potential.
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