Education is system of gaining knowledge by learning again and again through various sources whereas experiences are the things which you learn after facing the things before.Although people might consider these to things to be correlated but the fact is that they are separate terms with distinct meaning.They can be compared just as water and ice.In my opinion,education is far more better than experience.
Education is a process of knowing something by virtue of learning.When a child is born,the first thing he gains is education from his mother.Then he goes to school and gains more education and develops his brain.Further he goes to colleges and finally university to gain information of various things.With the passing of time the child becomes a mature man and is able to deal with this world.The child prepare himself to become a citizen of country by education.Education is a key factor for the development of a person.Without education his life can be considered as animals life.The great leaders like Barak Obama are well educated and are able to run great and big countries.If they were simply experienced but not educated they wouldn't have reached that post today.
Similarly,experiences can be gained if you are educated.When you get education then only you can know of something.Thats the first step of experience i.e knowing somethings.With the passage of time you can gain experiences by facing the world.But you can not get education unless and until you learn it.Likewise,the gift of education can be gained in the form of experiences.The things which you learn when applied in life will give you a proper result and outcomes.Thats the true gift of education when you apply it for the development of country and betterment of people.
However some people might think that education and experiences are like two sides of coins.They are correlated.But in my opinion,they are like day and night,fire and water,ice and liquid.They might be considered to be correlated but are far different if detail analysis is done. Just like fire provides hotness and water provide coldness ;like wise education provides path for experiences.So,education and experiences can be considered to be different.
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