You are able to access the whole world by staying in a room;you can know about the Universe by just changing the channel of your television;you are able to communicate with people staying at South pole ,you being in North pole;you can go from one place to another without any discomfort...and lots and lots of more which you are using is boon given to us by the great Scientists.Life has become more easier,more faster and more safer which our forefathers were not able to observe.This reflect the development in technology.The development in technology has reached such height that it is difficult to think further improvement in technology.But hats off to those scientists who are continuously working day and night for helping ordinary people by bringing improvement in technology.
With advantages comes drawbacks.Einstein creation E=MC2 has been wrongly used by some dictators in making nuclear weapons.The invention of atom bomb is taking life of all living organism and destroying earth piece by piece .If this continues i

Despite all of this,the development of technology is so rapid that after few minutes new things are been discovered.The things which our ancestor could not use are been used by us and the things that we are not using will be used by our upcoming generation.This shows that improvement in technology is steady process which will take place till the end of Universe.There is no doubt that even after the end there will be a new beginning and beginning means further development of technology and finally its improvement.We human beings may leave this world but our creation such that technology will remain alive for ever and ever;and thus make us immortal.This shows how we have made our life safer and easier by discovering new technology and our willingness to invent more and improve them.
beautiful notes and i really learned so many things from this and it is very easy way to understand about improvement in technology.
thanks you pathu so much...
Thanks for your osm notes
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