Drugs are very expensive to buy.It require lots and lots of money for drug addicts to buy drugs and fulfill their desire.So,for financial support,the drug addicts try to choose shortcut way.They create a certain environment of drug users and create a plan.All the negative thoughts combine and they come up with a brilliant plan.Finally,they attack departments store,gas stations,rob bank and people walking in their street.The crime rate has increased so rapidly within this decade which proves that the drug user is also increasing in the same ratio.
The drug user are killing honest,hardworking people just for the sake of few dollars.Life has become very cheap for those drug user.Thats why drug user has been neglected by the society.Kidnapping has become so frequent nowadays.within fraction of seconds,a child is kidnapped.The drug users kidnap the child of rich parents and ask ransom handsomely.IF their demand is not fulfilled then they kill the child and sell their organs for money.The drug users are acting like inhuman in this world.If this problem is not sorted out then a big threat will arise very soon.
Most youth don't involve in this sort of activities daily.Its the smugglers who influence them.The smuggler keep records of those youth who are in mental depression.Then they provide them with free drugs for the first time.When they know that the youth to whom they supplied drugs can't live without taking drugs then they simply stop giving them drugs.Now to fulfill the need,the youth approach violence way.This trend is increasing very rapidly.Nowadays,drug dealers are selling drugs very easily.The youth are easily attracted by these drug dealers.They organize certain dance party and distribute the drugs for free or take something from them.
If the government does not strike to this offense,then very soon all the youth of the nation will be involved in drug abuse and the development of country will stop as the youths are the pillar of development.so,the government must make strict policy to stop these drug dealers.These drug dealers who supply drugs must be punished very severely.Punishment must be given in such a way that the drug distributer or seller of entire world will think before they commit such act.In my opinion,the drug dealer must be tied with ropes in the open place where all people can see.Then their body must be rubbed with honey and flies must be spread in their bodies.Although this punishment look simple,but its quite a tough challenge.Staying for few seconds with fly in our body is difficult.Then,those criminals have to stay for hours.This will give them mental torture.They will think before doing such act.So,in my opinion this would be the best technique of all.Death is not the solution.Think in such a way that the punishment is also given and the problem is also solved.