There were rumors in 19th century about the discovery of time machine by Albert Einstein.But it only became a rumor and nothing else.However,some scientists tell that Einstein had discovered the formula of making a time machine but looking at misuse of his creation of E=MC2,he destroyed the formula by burning it.Still now the equation exists in the middle and is yet to be solved.Recently,Scientists Stephen Hawking has shown some interest in time machine.For him travelling in time means traveling in the fourth dimension.We already know about the three dimensions,so it is not very difficult to find fourth dimension as it sounds hard.Science fictio

creates a path through the fourth dimension,a tunnel through time.Hawking further adds that physicists have been thinking about this tunnels in time too.They have even coined these tunnels as worm hole.Actually worm holes are time tunnel predicted by Einstein theory of relativity that connects two places.Actually ,there are many small worm holes around but its difficult to use those worm hole.
If the worm holes are inflated or made big enough for object or person to fit then time travel would be possible.But the problem is that if anyone tries to make the worm hole big then it absorbs radiation and destroy itself.Thus,time travel is impossible.Its difficult to control the time but not impossible.Time is like a river flowing a different direction with different speed.So,time may be slow or may be fast and this concept was put forward by Einstein 100 of years ago.Infact his concept came to be true.In space time runs fast whereas in earth it runs slow.This is all because of huge mass of earth.Matter drags the time and make it slower.The greater the mass ,slower becomes the time.This leads to probability of travelling to the future.At the centre of our milky way galaxy lies an enormous black hole through which even light could not travel through its own gravity.But as its mass is so huge then time would slow down.For example if a spacecraft is built to travel around the black hole like satellite travelling around the earth orbits then time could be controlled.For a person staying five years in the space craft,he would find the time in earth to be 10 years forward.So,if the person lives for 5 years dating 2010 then he would find time period in earth to be 2020.But this theory is quite dangerous and almost impossible.
The best way to travel through time is to travel faster than the speed of light.But this is also infact impossible.The fastest ever made spacecraft was Apollo 10 travelling at the speed of 25000 mph.But to travel in future the speed must be 20 times greater than the speed of Apollo 10.Thus,this also makes time travel impossible.But oneday,it might be possible to travel faster than time as the recent discovery of Hadron Collider has proved it.The main problems arises when time travel is discussed because it disturbs the natural phenomenon.If a time machine is built then that person would have chance to go to the past and change his future.He would have entire power in his hand.Thus the whole Universe would be in chaos.Thus,most of the scientists are not showing their interest in building time machine.Finally,it can be concluded that scientists have got potential to built a time machine but they will not make it so that nature rules are abided by each and every living organisms.
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