Opportunity in face of crisis is an intricate thing to think.But with every crisis comes a chance to gain something.Scarcity or shortage of various things in day to day life is known crisis whereas the chances that we get in our life is opportunity.So,chances that we are going to get from crisis is the our discussion.There are many ways to show that crisis provides opportunity to get various things.Some examples can be taken from William Shakespeare play :Romeo and Juliet whereas some can be taken from our day to day life.So,I am convinced with the statement that each fresh crisis we encounter is opportunity in disguise.
Many people have already seen or heard about the Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet.But,the meaning of this play has be known by few.This play cites the best example of opportunity in face of crisis.Play shows meeting of Romeo and Juliet in ball proceeding with love and their marriage which is best part of play ;and its harmful upshot that resulted their death.The two feud family suffered alot from the death of their children but they got an opportunity to end the long lasting war between their family.This shows a chance in face of crisis.The death of Romeo and Juliet was crisis to their parents but the end of war between those two parents was a chance for them to maintain their relationship again.
Similarly,their are many evidences that can be taken from our day to day life.When a student who is intelligent in maths is taken to history class then he becomes quite dissatisfied by the decision but he gets an opportunity to widen his mind.Thus he gets an opportunity in face of crisis.Likewise,when there is any sort of natural disaster in the country then people get opportunity to help other people.Thus this can also be inferred as opportunity in face of crisis.So,there are many ways which can be shown that opportunity can be gained in face of shortage.
However,some people might think that crisis can not create opportunity because it only creates problem.But the fact is that it is we who have to decide on what opportunity we can get from these crisis.Thus,it lies fully on ability of people to determine.The old saying goes in this way that wait for the opportunity and grab whenever you get it but the new version states that create opportunity and use it in your own way.So,people can determine their own faith in sort of crisis.People should not be reluctant in utilizing their chance.
Finally,crisis is a path of creating opportunity.If we uses that path in positive way then it is boon for us or else if we fluctuate from simple crisis then the same crisis becomes a curse.Thus,it depends upon the thinking of people and way they create it.Thus,i agree with the statement each fresh crisis we encounter is an opportunity in disguise.
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