The first school of a child is mothers lap.He stays there and learns many thing useful to him to go for further development.As a result,mothers play the first role of educating her child.So,along with a mother,she is a teacher as well.Thus,mother must be educated to ensure the education of entire family.There is a popular saying that"if a man is educated then he himself is educated but if a women or mother is educated then the entire nation,community and family members are educated.Similarly,when a child enters into a school,he learns many interesting thing.He slowly and gradually develops himself for the upcoming time.At school there are teachers to guide him.But when the same child returns home,there must be a suitable environment for the child to study.
Environment plays a crucial role in determining future of a child.If the family environment is good then the child develops characteristics on basis of that.Harmful or unsuitable environment affects the mind of child and destroys his future.The role of making good environment also goes to a mother.As father are mainly involved in office,mothers have to look the entire house.So,mothers are not only house wives but they are Home Minister as well.A child becomes a good citizen when his background is good.There must be presence of all facilities for a child to be highly skilled manpower country.
Lastly,mothers has a great role in doing every work.Not only they give birth to child,they have role in determining their career as well.A child usually says that he want to become a doctor,engineer etc. which is actually dream of his mother.So,by looking at the child the background of family can be predicted.It is often inferred that if a child is well dressed and mannered than he belongs to good family or else from a disreputed family.So,a child has an essence role in reflecting their family characters.
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