Sports have got many cons.It has led many people to great height.Not only people but the countries as well are benefited by sports.Many personalities like Pele,Mara dona through football,Mike Tyson through boxing ,Roger Federer through tennis ,Tiger woods through golf ,Sachin tendulkar through cricket and many more have become well known all over the world through sports.Sports have reached pinnacle in this present world.Sports have helped various countries to thrive their economy.Pele through football was able to bring his country economy back when Brazil won the world cup foot ball.Similarly,by organizing various sports events,various countries get opportunity to earn money.
Sports also publicize the beauty of the country through media.When sports are organized in a country,many people are attracted towards it.Data have shown that about billion of people are attracted by sports.Recently world cup football is going to be held in Africa.People from all over the world has already booked tickets for the football matches that are going to take place.This show how much people are interested towards sports.Actually,sports has become passion for various people.When people visit those countries where sports were organized,they not only get chance to enjoy sports but also get equal benefit to observe the wonderful places of those country.Sports play a vital role in publicizing the awesome beauty of world.
With advantages come disadvantages as well.Everyone can not get chance to be famous through sports.Only few get that golden opportunity to write their names.And the rest of them goes in vain.In India about million of people dedicate their life in cricket but among them hundreds are only selected and within hundred 20 are able to leave their impression.The rest are erased from the field of sports.Similarly,corruption has severely affected the field of sports.Many news are heard about adulteration in glamorous field of sports.Whatever is seen from outside,its simply an image but nothing more than that.The reality is even more bitter when observed carefully.The famous person whom we see happy outside are actually annoyed from inside.Their privacy is severely disturbed.If a well known person like Mike Tyson smokes in public than its going to be Headline in paper tomorrow.So,its very difficult for celebrity to keep their good image in this world.Similarly,sports creates violence in people.Like for example whenever there is a cricket match between Pakistan and India then people are so excited.They become very angry if their country lose the match.The players representing their respective counties are seriously castigated.Those players who can not handle the pressure even commit suicide.Sports have also encouraged drug addiction.Some players take drugs to keep themselves fit.
Despite all of these outcomes,sports must be played in a natural way.No serious offense must be taken with players playing these things.Sports give two nation a chance to become friends.It develops good relationship between two countries.People get a chance to know each other.Prosperity and peace can be achieved.So,its upon human hand to decide.If sports are played with only source of entertainment than it is flourished through out the world or else it may result in next world war.
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