Human beings are the creation of world.They all are different in their physical state.So,its obvious for them to be different in their mental aspects as well.Taste of people are different.These different taste leads to creation of unique things.We can see many things around.If all people have same thinking then we would find uniformity.But the fact is that there is diversity in our world.Thus,it can be inferred from this statement that people try to create new things.It takes time for unique things to get acceptance in this world.But when these results are accepted,then the person who has created it becomes famous.In other words success comes in their hand.
There are many great personalities who we remember till now.Scientists like Sir Issac Newton created Law of Gravitation through his own imagination which is applied in everybody day to day life.Similarly,Albert Einstein relation between energy and mass is widely been used.There are many and many more who became famous through their unique creation.Although they are no more among us but their unique creation made them immortal.From this it shows that to succeed people must emphasize on differences.We can also judge by looking around us.There are many different industries.If people had thought of same thing then we would still be living in stone age.But their difference of thinking made us live in this 21st century.
However,there are some people who might think that it is futile to emphasize on differences to succeed.Simply,by copying the concept we can get success.But the fact is imitation can survive only for few days but unique things lives forever and ever.Unique creation are always immortal.The things which have been created by new concept are widely been used till now.So,copying is not the solution to succeed in life.Therefore,every people can not be considered as great personalities.So,in every century there is only one person who is regarded as leader of all mankind who has got guts to make difference in the life of all people.
Finally,it is useless to run after success.When people emphasizes on differences then automatically success come in their feet.So,think unique to get success rather than waste time to imitate.Unique things are always praised and are often considered as path to get immortality.Thus,I am convinced with the statement people emphasize on differences to get success.
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