There are many sectors in politics.Some political leaders take in charge of economical development whereas others take responsibility of defense;some take charge of Communication within the country whereas some take concern about Education.These all sectors as a whole is discussed under Politics.The effect of politics in everyday life is very severe.Any sort of changes in system of a country can be felt by altering the existing form of government.These government are changed and new government is formed through politics.Politics can be considered as pillar of development.The entire foundation of country's development lies in the hand of political group through politics.
Politics is considered to be a dirty game by the ordinary people.But actually politics is not a dirty game;it is rotten people who plays negatively in politics.About more than 50percent of politically affiliated people are corrupt.Thus,only a few countries are highly developed as the percentage of corrupt ministers in those country is less.It is really difficult to find ministers who are solely involved the welfare of people and country.When a common people enter politics,they think that they will stop corruption.But the bitter truth is that they themselves will be involved in corruption.So,it has been very difficult to stop corruption.There are many anti corruption agencies running in the world.Yet corruption takes place because the people representing those anti corruption agencies are also corrupt.
Any disturbances in politics hinders the progress.The coalition between Thai people and their existing government is the best example to site this.Thailand is facing several crisis due to recent fight between the people and the government.Experts has already said that after the fight is over there will be serious problem in Thailand.Similarly,political instability in Nepal has driven Nepal towards dark age.Its development has been retarded.Due to desire of few politician the entire nation has to face the trouble.If these problem continues than there will not be progress.Additionally,this is also economic crisis period.If all the countries of the world don't act in a well organized way then it is for sure that our upcoming generation will have to survive in stone age again.
Nonetheless,its never too late.Different policies must be made world wide.Powerful countries must not interfere in any internal matter of any countries.Thinking of money is not a good characteristics of a politician.A politician should live a simple life and flourish the lives of other people.He should not be money minded.The whole nation will be benefited if a good leader is leading the country.Thus politics has a great influence in the development of country.
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